OKAY! 3 tests, 2 quizzes. Check! All done. :) Just have one more class 3 hours from now, and then it's weekend time...
Not that the weekend's gonna be a bonafide picnic anyway, though, 'cause I have a bit of catch-up to do on work since I've been spending all week studying...but any kind of weekend will be fine with me; I could use a break.
I can't even decide whether I
really want to go see
LOTR in the theater one last time (besides, word is that the DVD is out on August 26...), but I've got to admit that the idea does sound appealing. If I can find a good theater/time that it's on, I'm pretty much willing to go by myself at this point, if possible...*shrugs*
Guess everyone else has been as busy as I have, recently, 'cause no one's come around to this page much lately, I don't think. Ah well. I'm trying to get over my incessant need for feedback/comments anyway. It'd probably do me some good. :)
[4:38 PM]
I think I've gotten over my wish to see the movie in the theater again. Me mum's probably right... :)... twice is enough...though, still... oh, forget it. I'm over it. I can wait a couple of months (or about 5 months, if that's what it takes :)) before I see it again. Probably be better that way anyway.
Goin' home for the weekend to hopefully de-stress a little after my long week...*sigh*.
Will hopefully get online on MSN at some point over the weekend, unless someone else is using the computer...ah, the joys of sharing...I forget about sharing when I'm at res because I'm the only one around using my stuff... :)